The Little Angel

The knowledge river is abundant, endless since immemorial time, human kind never reaches what it is now, but after quenching a lot from it, and if the human didn’t guide himself to it, he would continue living in the darkness of the caves and whenever the man dives in knowledge river and deepens, he sees its gloss pearls increase more in the bottom, that the person never reaches its bottom , because it is in the depth of the universe which has an endless border . And often heart trembles when it sees down the deep gap and rejoice when it see the top, and in order the man to keep himself clean he should look much at the dirt and to master morality, he should first know the knowledge of sin, and many gave their lives to live a moment in the presence of knowledge .This is grandmother Hmamah who teaches us the skill of diving in the river of knowledge, whenever we are in her presence. We sat wondering how an angel of the sky, try to become a human, who is from light and the human from clay and water, and while we are asking the confusion amazing us, grandmother came walking slowly, our hearts rejoiced,
she sat down and after she took a break, she started telling the tale said :
In the name of God, my prayers and peace to the apostle of God , Mohammed son of Abdullah. O’ God make us in the day of judgment, who will be given his book at his right hand, and raise us to the highest grades, full us not down to the lower grades, make not our main concern in this world. O’ my grandchildren, it was told that : An angel in the throne of the sky stood in humility in front of the Lord, asking : O’ Lord, why your majesty had honored Adam and his children more than us, he asked ?!. who they corrupt on the earth, and we are revering you ever more than them : I created in them something, the Lord said. If you have it, you will do more than what they did. : What is that thing ? O Lord, the angel asked : It is the lust, the God said. That it is known only to those who have it : My God, my Deity, the angel said. I will sacrifice with my high qualities to know that lust. : If you get the lust, you will never stay an angel but a human, the Lord said. You live in the land like a human, and rebirth in the day of resurrection like human : The longing to the optimal knowledge is pressing me, the angel said. Could, O’ my lord by your high ability to be a human being
: You could be that, the Lord said . live in the land from the first day when the human being was born on this world, you will live the joy ,sorrows and be held accountable in resurrection day : my God, the angel said. I will be on the land the most obedient servant who praise you. : But you will forget that you were an angel one day, the Lord Said. Until you fulfilled your days on the earth ,and beware of the rejected cursed Satan takes you astray in the world.
O’ my grandchildren the Lord turn him to a day-old child, then he called a cloud to carry him at night before sunrises to the earth .
It descended as twinkling of the eye as the Lord will to in front of door of woodcutter house named Marzouk.
The little angel continued crying… until a woodcutter’s wife came and found him nacked : Any kind of woman, afraid not of God, threw her child on the first day of his age, she said. She enfolded him with a robe : Oh God how much this baby is handsome ,she said! he is an angel, God gave him to us O, my husband, w'll take care of him and nurse him with our kids, may God help us with good for that : We have seven hungry children, Marzouk said to her .
we can’t feed them .: I liked him very much I'll take care of this baby with my children, She said. Then she named him Badr.
O’ my beloved ones, Badr lived in the house of the woodcutter, he suffered from hunger, diseases and hot ,till he became a teenager.
Woodcutter told him one day: O Badr, from today you should come with us, to collect firewood from the forest. See there are around you your brothers are coming to sell much firewood in the market.
Badr continued collecting firewood for months. One day he climbed a tall tree to cut a firewood, he fell down to the ground, the woodcutter Marzouk thought Badr indeed died on the spot, at the same time the boys shouted: Badr our brother died. Badr our brother died .. the men ran to him, they found him unharmed, not even scratched as if he fall not down from the tree.
Marzouk surprised: O’my son who fall down this tumbling survive not, he said. But Badr was feeling much pain.
One day O’ my grandchildren, while Badr was walking in the valley with friends, a speeding lion run toward them, all they fled an climbed over the trees,
but Bader didn’t, he stumbled in a dig ,the Lion came close to him but touch not him. All the people surprised : How he escaped from that hungry lion, some of them said : He is an angel some of them said he is a demon.
He became a young man as handsome as Joseph, son of Jacob, but lives in woeful poverty.
A lust has started in him such as cohort, one day while he was in the forest collecting a firewood a charming woman came to him as a lover, she seduced him to make love with her, he responded to her, then she used to come him, in the forest secretly.
One day my O’ grandchildren, the rejected cursed Satan came to him, in an old man image, his chin hanging up to his knee : O Badr, he said. You are living in a misery, and your beauty like Jacob son of Imran! if the daughter of Sultan looks at you, you would become her husband at once, around you money and men : How I get her, O’ my preacher, Badr asked?! : In the forest there are trees no one else knows them, Satan replied. Have a fragrance when burning, collect them and give to the Sultan, you will enchant all whom in the palace, and do not forget to prostrate in front of to greet him when you stand in front of him .
O’ clever ones, Satan led Badra to those trees , he cut some of them, when they dried he took them to the sultan’s palace, he said to the guards of: I came with this wood for the Sultan, he said. They laughed at him : let it here, they said . Then they expelled him out. The servants put the wood in the oven, it smoked a smell like perfume, spread in the palace, the Sultan's daughter (Joman) smelled it, she asked about the aromatic odor, they said to her : A woodcutter brought this firewood today and he did not even receive a price for it : O’ my father bring this woodcutter to the palace quickly, she said . We would make him a woodcutter for our palace.
O’ my beloved one, the soldiers went to find him ,they found Badr in the forest collecting firewood. He came walking with a face like a moon in front of the soldiers to the palace and he prostrated to salute the Sultan, juman saw him, she fell in love with him : tell him, to be my husband Daddy, she said to her father.
Badr married Juman, he lived in the best life, after suffering much of poverty, she gave birth of five children, such as moons.
O’ my beloved ones, years passed, as the narrator said, Sultan died and the command turned to Badr
He became the Sultan and lived the life of kings, invaded the countries, had a famous kingdom until he had owned the east and the west, he had maids ,captivates, bondwomen around him, he drunk wine, slayed some men ...
One day O’ young boys the Satan came to him wearing a dress of priests : My muster, he said. The veiled had been unveiled. and things in the earth had been showed, the stars told us : You are not a human being, but God, judging among the people, you came down to spread your justice on earth, you are God, you are God .... : Yes he is, the people said. He never get hurt when he fell down from top of the tree, and the lion eat him not and he drove the Sultans of the earth to him as slaves. The Satan shouted to the men like a crazy : Come on bow down to the your God, and Badr boasted when the people prostrated to him. People weaved legends and tales about him. years passed and the people revering him as God’s reverence, not Pharaoh like him thereof in something…..
One day O’ my grandchildren all his sons got sick and died, he was going to die from the grieve, the cursed Satan came to him : your commander in chief poisoned them to free the throne of dignity to him after you , he said .Then the Satan spoke with the commander said
: Sultan will kill you, he has doubt that you had poisoned his children. All the commanders fled away also from him and the enemies gathered around him, until they defeated him.
So Badr lost the throne of dignity, he tasted bitterness of losing kingdom and prison torment many days. Enemies decided to hang him, but before hanging he turn into a one- day child, grew wings in his sides, and he flew away and receded from the sight in the God mighty kingdom .
He returned to God, requesting his forgiveness, the lord said : You asked me the lust, by it you drank wine. Committed adultery, killed, You was impatient in your life and praise not what I gave you, then the lust of authority invited you to be a God, then the God called the servants of the fire, they came running in droves and took him to where Pharaoh is immortalized and the angels of the most gracious bowed down in prostration to God : O’ Lord, now we knew why, we prostrated to Adam, father of human, they said.
God bless the latest prophet Mohammed son of Abdullah descendent of Adam
Dauod asked grandmother : Does the authority makes people wicked O’ grandmother?! : Yes ,she said. Except those who the God take them away of sin O’ my son .
O’ My beloved one, this lust is ruled by the Satan, if it ruled not by human. and tomorrow I will tell you about who has broken the covenant, and was punished with his money and son .
Before her going, she hits Salem slightly with her cane on his head : Woke up, she said. Complete your sleep in the house : Oh… Let me complete my dream, he said. I dreamed that I was flying, flying ... above the sea and forest ... till I landed on the ground, then someone hit me on my head that woke me up from my dream, so we laughed a lot about him.