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صديق الحلو

  1. C. V siddig Elhilo

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة صديق الحلو مشاهدة المشاركة
    Curriculum Vitae
    Friend of Muhammad Ahmad Al-Hilu, the Caliph.
    Born 1954
    Kosti, central Sudan
    He studied Sharia and Law at Imam Al-Mahdi University
    Courses in Journalism and Media at the College of Media Studies
    Founding member of the Sudanese Story Club 2000 AD
    Aso founder of the Literary Friends Association in Kosti.
    Member of the Sudanese Writers Union
    Member of the Sudanese Novelists Association
    Editorial board member. Al
    غير مصنف