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الموضوع: Tomorrow And Today

  1. #11
    قلم مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2009
    الدولة : jabalmohsen
    المشاركات : 120
    المواضيع : 11
    الردود : 120
    المعدل اليومي : 0.02


    I admired your choice of title
    who knows if tommorrow comes
    and how much high is our expectation
    thanx brother Marwan

  2. #12
    الصورة الرمزية مروان المزيني شاعر
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2002
    الدولة : المدينة المنورة
    العمر : 55
    المشاركات : 777
    المواضيع : 85
    الردود : 777
    المعدل اليومي : 0.10


    Dear my sister Lamya

    I have read your words with full of happiness

    Thanks alot

    Accept my regard
    إني شربتُ هواكِ منذ طفولتي=حتى ارتويتُ وبحتُ في الكراس ِ

  3. #13
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2009
    المشاركات : 108
    المواضيع : 9
    الردود : 108
    المعدل اليومي : 0.02


    Mr. Marwan Mezaini ……………Peace be upon you

    Your gasida is of a great value because it

    expresses a lofty theme in a singularly beautiful

    way. Everyone must exerts his/her effort in order to

    make his/her future better than his/her present as

    well as his past and this is typical of a true Muslim

    who never stops trying to rise highly to gain heavenly

    values and the everlasting happiness

    I think that the gasida begins with two memorable

    lines . It arouses an optimistic feeling and that

    makes it flows smoothly from the beginning to end.Its

    images are lively and lovely

    The reader can see through the visual imagery in the

    last three lines of the first stanza the shining sun and

    its light when penetrating the darkness of the night .

    He can also see the beauty of the rose and the ' lovely

    garden .'Through the olfactory imagery , the reader can

    feel the sweet smell of the rose and garden

    In the second and third stanzas ,the metaphor is

    extended . Tomorrow is compared to an honest

    person who has an insight .He enlightens anyone

    who wants to fulfill his ambitions and dreams . He

    cheers one up and never makes one give up hope ; he

    assures him that he has another chance to plan for a

    better future so as to get rid of the depressing

    experiences of the past

    The gasida has (the Shakespearean rhyme scheme

    abab,cdcd,efef,gg) .The main idea lies in the last two

    lines .If one does not benefit from his present time that

    allows him to think of the things he wants to achieve ,

    he will undoubtedly gain nothing

    Mr. Al -Mezaini , I really enjoyed reading this gasida.

    It made me remember nostalgically my college days,

    my best literature teachers whom I deeply respect .It

    also reminded me of my friends and ………my

    cherished hopes ,dreams, memories

    May Allah bless you and keep you guided on the path of His
    righteous servants

  4. #14
    الصورة الرمزية مروان المزيني شاعر
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2002
    الدولة : المدينة المنورة
    العمر : 55
    المشاركات : 777
    المواضيع : 85
    الردود : 777
    المعدل اليومي : 0.10


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ثريا الدوسري مشاهدة المشاركة
    Mr. Marwan Mezaini ……………Peace be upon you

    Your gasida is of a great value because it

    expresses a lofty theme in a singularly beautiful

    way. Everyone must exerts his/her effort in order to

    make his/her future better than his/her present as

    well as his past and this is typical of a true Muslim

    who never stops trying to rise highly to gain heavenly

    values and the everlasting happiness

    I think that the gasida begins with two memorable

    lines . It arouses an optimistic feeling and that

    makes it flows smoothly from the beginning to end.Its

    images are lively and lovely

    The reader can see through the visual imagery in the

    last three lines of the first stanza the shining sun and

    its light when penetrating the darkness of the night .

    He can also see the beauty of the rose and the ' lovely

    garden .'Through the olfactory imagery , the reader can

    feel the sweet smell of the rose and garden

    In the second and third stanzas ,the metaphor is

    extended . Tomorrow is compared to an honest

    person who has an insight .He enlightens anyone

    who wants to fulfill his ambitions and dreams . He

    cheers one up and never makes one give up hope ; he

    assures him that he has another chance to plan for a

    better future so as to get rid of the depressing

    experiences of the past

    The gasida has (the Shakespearean rhyme scheme

    abab,cdcd,efef,gg) .The main idea lies in the last two

    lines .If one does not benefit from his present time that

    allows him to think of the things he wants to achieve ,

    he will undoubtedly gain nothing

    Mr. Al -Mezaini , I really enjoyed reading this gasida.

    It made me remember nostalgically my college days,

    my best literature teachers whom I deeply respect .It

    also reminded me of my friends and ………my

    cherished hopes ,dreams, memories

    May Allah bless you and keep you guided on the path of His
    righteous servants

    My great sister Thuraia Ad-Dowsary ..

    Realy I don not find the wors that could express my feelings about what you have written here.
    Thanks alot form my deep heart.

    Accept my regard.

  5. #15
    قلم منتسب
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2011
    المشاركات : 6
    المواضيع : 1
    الردود : 6
    المعدل اليومي : 0.00
    من مواضيعي


    Tomorrow Is Younger Than Today

    This line says a lot of things

    keep going

    my regards

  6. #16
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2010
    الدولة : على أرض العروبة
    المشاركات : 34,923
    المواضيع : 293
    الردود : 34923
    المعدل اليومي : 6.52


    نص جميل مروان المزيني

    وحس بهي مدهش

    دمت بألق
    تستطيع أن ترى الصورة بحجمها الطبيعي بعد الضغط عليها

  7. #17
    الصورة الرمزية مروان المزيني شاعر
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2002
    الدولة : المدينة المنورة
    العمر : 55
    المشاركات : 777
    المواضيع : 85
    الردود : 777
    المعدل اليومي : 0.10


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هناء الشوافي مشاهدة المشاركة
    Tomorrow Is Younger Than Today

    This line says a lot of things

    keep going

    my regards
    Dear Hana

    Peace be upon U


    You R right

    Accept my regard


  8. #18
    الصورة الرمزية مروان المزيني شاعر
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2002
    الدولة : المدينة المنورة
    العمر : 55
    المشاركات : 777
    المواضيع : 85
    الردود : 777
    المعدل اليومي : 0.10


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ربيحة الرفاعي مشاهدة المشاركة
    نص جميل مروان المزيني

    وحس بهي مدهش

    دمت بألق
    الشاعرة الكبيرة ربيحة الرفاعي

    أسعدني حضورك هنا

    وأسعدتني كلماتك

    أشكر لك ذلك بكل الود ..


صفحة 2 من 2 الأولىالأولى 12

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