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الموضوع: A journey downwards BY GAMRA ZENAIDI

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية ليلى الزنايدي أديبة
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2005
    المشاركات : 751
    المواضيع : 56
    الردود : 751
    المعدل اليومي : 0.11

    افتراضي A journey downwards BY GAMRA ZENAIDI

    Once on the summit of a snow-covered mountain
    Before the last morning star totally vanished
    Sat a legendary long-bearded man
    Draped in a heavenly cloak, far whiter than then enchanting snow! Above, the overlooking sky seemed within his reach
    The spellbound man stretched his arm as far as he could
    Seized a handful of rebellious clouds
    Hardly did he shut his shaking hand that his heart leapt
    He wondered whether he could tame that bit of cloud! "Great would be my bliss if these clouds were mine! I would reign over the rain, the snow and the mighty floods!" He cautiously opened his hand with his precious clouds. "Where have they gone? Who dared steal my silver clouds
    Wide-eyed with anguish, he looked around
    The clouds, the snow, the fog melting in a wholesome crowd
    The rock, released from his stifling weight
    Stumbled and downwards fell apart
    Awakening the peaceful dream-like universe
    The man slipped, rolled behind as tiny as a grain

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية سحر الليالي أديبة
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2005
    الدولة : الحبيبة كــويت
    العمر : 38
    المشاركات : 10,147
    المواضيع : 309
    الردود : 10147
    المعدل اليومي : 1.46


    Dear sis lila :

    What A wonderful journey

    It realy nice

    Thank you dear

    with all my love

  3. #3