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الموضوع: كفٌّ وإزميل

  1. #41
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


    ترجمة كف وإزميل : د. سمير العمرى

    Palm & Chisel

    I cry longing to her and she weeps for me
    And I grumble to her about the grievance of life,
    and she complains to me
    I search the stars for her and she is absent
    And I spread out my heart for her, and she lodges at me
    I would not aspire to the intimate discourse of her cordiality
    But to a heart purified with water of chastity
    and sincerity of sentiment by which time becomes serene
    And whispering of eyes whose lids darkened by true promise kohl
    Alas! O Spirit fly wherever she parted,
    if you reach the orbit of purity,
    Then tell me how nice if only I , for an hour,
    Could slumber at her hand
    And the Spirit between caressing and coddling
    adapts harmony if the book of speech is tranquil
    By an alphabet of infinite hymns
    with which life boasts of the secret of its bliss,
    and in her dew you behold her as a bestowing palm
    And if she keep up mending her step
    she is to revive the feeble strides in a leg paralyzed
    O You, what are you? Only that you belong
    to the world of the unseen in the revelation of lamps

    continued ...........

  2. #42
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    Are you a disclosure gathered in its stigmas?
    Or emanation of musk kneaded with the fragrance of roses?
    Or a pomegranate blossom quenching my thirst
    With purity spreading at the mouth
    So it grew gratitude in astounded sentiment?
    pass at my mind just like that of breeze
    at the cheek of twilight and the dust of lions is
    your soft smile to which I take shelter
    Away from the coldness of January or the heat of September
    I implore to God do not distress for whom was committed
    Sins the delusions of statues
    how long would I endure squashing my days in suffering
    And I drink them by procrastination and delaying?
    Age is becoming fifty and have not seen
    the meaning of pleasure and have never been safe from pain
    so cover me if harm got agitated by incite
    then sharpen in my heart every blunt
    I'm the stranger who birds of the earth reject me
    feathers are not mine, nor colors appeal to me
    They eat the bread of my hair and peck me
    And wear silk of my pot and shun at me

    here I am, I have advanced in years and my hope bent
    I turn over time but I have not found my generation

    continued ...........

  3. #43
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    I've devoted all my life as a hard-working palm
    and led most of the time a life down in the dumps
    I keep stabbing time for them against every crisis
    and people slander my deeds and my words
    And I urge to the heavens their impetus
    They rise for questioning and formation of
    destiny disgraces the envious in dismay
    as a short person disparages a tall one
    And they censure my skies and wings
    and I have never known a tolerant person blameless
    if I smile, they say: in deceit
    if I frown, they say: pure pretense
    If I dream, they say: This is out of fright
    if I tolerate, they say: rancorous disposition
    for you I planted but they plucked out my trees
    how many times I asked, but they did not answer my request
    How many times I rose with determination, but they did not rise How many times I called and they stretched a cowardly palm
    This is the time in which the noble grieves
    The delicacies while the one who has only leftovers rejoices
    whenever my enviers get furious, my dates ripen
    They threw my palm trees with insolence and vulgarity
    Do they blame the one I complain to my rhyme?
    Then where can I get an unshackled heart?
    continued ........

  4. #44
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    My poetry is of manna and honey for those with hunger
    And the poetry of others is of cucumber and beans
    None refutes it but those who have purposes
    Or the bitterness of a self envious unbearable
    To whom do I sing? Butterflies of hopes got burnt
    And night shattered my lights and lamp
    To whom do I sing and in the eye of the distance lies darkness
    And in the mirrors are the nude in pants?
    To whom do I sing and the pipe of poetry in my lips
    About to weep because of echo of folksongs
    Is it for beauty? Didn't beauty melt on
    the tongue of my letters giving out honey?
    Is it for imagination? Was imagination but
    Some creativity that my spirit whispered to my Jebril
    Is it for struggle? My letters rebelled in dignity
    Till they were organized as soldiers in uniforms
    Is it for the country? I have composed them with my blood
    In the heart page in the cheek of handkerchiefs
    Is it for guidance? My poetry is wisdom that rained
    My reason albumen of deities' eggs
    Is it for cordiality? I made of love a song
    Among hearts whispering to each chaste
    What have I gained out of flying in my language
    but felony of the wolf and hammering?
    continued ..........

  5. #45
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    By praise every ungrateful person is drifted in wonder
    And every arrogant buys extolment cheaply
    I warned myself so it abstained every dubious
    Of language and got bored of soft speaking
    I do not consider poetry in pride of its composer
    Except through reason, morals and originality
    We belong to a nation whose maximum ends
    Are the luck of souls and spread of rumors
    and the claim of every chatterer is that he is a king
    And the excuse of every arrogant is through obstructions
    If you ask: to whom belongs the glory of life, to whom belongs
    the pride of the lofty? The fools would say: to me, to me, to me
    Calamity spread, so the distance maintained no paths
    For the knowing nor brought a guide
    Pale ineptitude wishes lead us
    To an out of breath mysterious tomorrow
    And the country of ignorance degrades everyone with morals
    Of the noble and elevate every inferior
    Why do you tolerate the worry of people in heart
    while you have whatever you suffer of slander and torture?
    Didn't arrogance exceeded limits and they deceived themselves?
    Then why do you lament for cowardly people?
    Of the impossible there are tales that it narrates


  6. #46
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    Or have you taken an example of the Order of the Phoenix and the Ghouls?
    Or did you perish as an amnesty martyr due to thirst
    and while you exude patience by sieves?
    Abel died yet he did not extend a hand to a brother
    in bad faith but we are the sons of Cain
    I have learnt that the race is descendants of father
    so how come you have expectations you the son of a murdered?
    Some are to each other foes, compliant to their desires
    except for these who fear God in the guiding revelation
    there is no fidelity, amity, nor sincerity
    except through righteousness by a united rope of God
    O you a companion that the self elevated to a rank
    on top of dignity with reverence and preference
    I am still showing my sincerity on a tray
    till I got jaded while my sincerity is not tired
    I have erected in you indestructible minarets
    of fidelity with sublime wreaths
    I have waded into the seas of blamers and I did not
    get flooded by rain nor did I shine by enticement
    And I was with you without an eye or ear
    in the company of gossipers, but with reliance
    And I used whenever my soul was visited by a thought
    to draw you with the most splendorous details

    continued ........

  7. #47
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    I peered from the balcony of memories and look at
    what was in our yesterday of responsible pledge
    as I do not recall except that in the eyes was
    shed the tears of encounter with welcoming and kissing
    And an invisible voice from a lover before his minor pilgrimage
    and the dilemma of the wedding and smiles in the Nile
    so why when you saw maliciousness taking me by surprise
    you got up following a he who is false and hypocrite
    you have been the first person I needed his support
    you were the first to seek stabbing me
    who seeks triumph in a lame crippled
    and thrust the nail in the noble messengers?
    You say he backbites me in evil before the whole world
    And my vengeance will disbelieve in the Gospels
    since I am innocent of their hearsay
    And you allegation is but delusion of incitement to evil
    And you said: he said and she said
    I pray to God that you don't die my brother
    this is doesn't belong except to women with anklets
    men of reason protest that judging is by evidence
    And not by doubt or interpretation
    by God I haven't betrayed guidance on purpose
    and I have never considered you but among jesters


  8. #48
    قلم فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2005
    المشاركات : 2,362
    المواضيع : 139
    الردود : 2362
    المعدل اليومي : 0.35


    And you said: "stab so as to protect rights
    and will rights be defended by injustice?
    O you whose view is that justice is flawless
    When guidance is revealed after mislead
    If eyes whose lids darkened with Kohl strayed you from guidance
    How would you expect getting guidance from cross eyes?
    passion of souls is humiliation and grievance is arrogance
    And the wisdom of one lies in reason and justification
    think not that blaming the heart is a fault
    Reproach is a counterbalance of measures
    So if you repent, you'll find forgiveness with no reproof
    And if you decline, then recite Surat Al-Feel
    O mercy of God, would it be relief after grief
    So that we won't be misguided by the whispering of every insane
    if anguish prevails, there is no one but You to have mercy on us
    so confer upon us an effective command
    And guide hearts to refrain from sins and do not
    to tempt the hearts of mankind by gossip
    I still dream and I won't abandon my dream
    till I see good deeds curing all the sick
    And I will have a good opinion of the honorable so that
    If the advocate is rare to attain, then O my palm and my chisel

    مع التحية .....و الى اللقاء

  9. #49
    الصورة الرمزية محمد الشحات محمد شاعر وناقد
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2007
    الدولة : القاهرة
    المشاركات : 1,100
    المواضيع : 103
    الردود : 1100
    المعدل اليومي : 0.18


    و هكذا تكتمل دائرة الإبداع العربي في حوار الثقافات

    للترجمة دورها الهام ، و الذي لا غنى عنه ..

    و الترجمة ذاتها إبداعٌ للإبداع ، مثلما النقد الإبداعي ، وليستْ الانطباعات ..

    إذْ ان التجمة ليست مجرد انتشار لطرفي العمل الإبداعي (مؤلف و مترجم) ،
    و إنما هي انتشار للإبداع العروبي ، و تواصله مع الآخر

    تحية للقدير د. سمير العمري

    و المبدعة المترجمة نسيبة بنت كعب

    باقات ودٍّ و تقدير

    عرفْتُ طعْمَ الندى بالصومِ مُرْتَجَلاً .... و النورُ منطقةٌ أرنو إلى فيها

  10. #50
    الصورة الرمزية د. سمير العمري المؤسس
    مدير عام الملتقى
    رئيس رابطة الواحة الثقافية

    تاريخ التسجيل : Nov 2002
    الدولة : هنا بينكم
    العمر : 60
    المشاركات : 41,182
    المواضيع : 1126
    الردود : 41182
    المعدل اليومي : 5.16


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مازن لبابيدي مشاهدة المشاركة
    يَـا لَهْفَـةَ الـرُّوحِ طِـيـرِي حَيثُـمَـا رَحَـلَـتْنقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعيفَـإِنْ بَلَغْـتِ مَـدَارَ الصَّفْـوِ فَاحْـكِـي لِــي

    يَــا حَـبَّـذَا سَــا عَــةٌ أَغْـفُـو عَـلَـى يَـدِهَـانقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
    وَالــــرُّوحُ مَـــــا بَــيـــنَ تَـدْلِــيــهٍ وَتَـدْلِــيــلِ
    وَمَــا أَرَى الشِّـعْـرَ فَـخْـرًا عِـنْـدَ صَـاحِـبِـهِ
    إِلا بِـــفِــــكْــــرٍ وَأَخْــــــــــــلاقٍ وَتَــــأْثِــــيــــلِ

    وَدَولَــةُ الجَـهْـلِ تَـــزْرِي كُـــلَّ ذِي خُـلُــقٍ
    مِـــــنَ الــكِـــرَامِ وَتُـعْــلِــي كُـــــلَّ مَـــــرْذُولِ
    يَــا رَحْـمَـةَ اللهِ هَــلْ لِـلـحَـالِ مِـــنْ فَـــرَجٍ
    فَــــلا نَــضِــلُّ بِـنَــجْــوَى كُـــــلِّ مَـخْــبُــولِ

    إِنْ عَـــــمَّ كَـــــرْبٌ فَـــمَـــا إِلاكَ يَـرْحَـمُــنَــا
    فَــجُــدْ عَـلَـيـنَـا بِــأَمْـــرٍ مِــنْـــكَ مَـفْــعُــولِ

    وَاهْــدِ القُـلُـوبَ إِلـــى تَـــرْكِ الـذُّنُــوبَ وَلا
    تَفْـتِـنْ نُـفُـوسَ الــوَرَى بِـالـقَـالِ وَالـقِـيـلِ

    لا زَلْــتُ أَحْـلـمُ لَــنْ أَرْتَــدَّ عَـــنْ حُـلُـمِـي
    حَـتَّـى أَرَى الخَـيـرَ يَشْـفِـي كُــلَّ مَعْـلُـولِ

    وَسَـــوفَ أُحْـسِــنُ ظَـنِّــي بِـالـكِـرَامِ فَـــإِنْ
    عَــــزَّ الـمُـعِـيـنُ فَــيَـــا كَــفِّـــي وَإِزْمِـيــلِــي
    أخي الحبيب الغالي أبا حسام
    ما شاء الله لا فض فوك
    خريدة سامقة هطلت من ديم الإبداع والتألق
    معان تتابعت متسلسلة ببناء متقن عهدته بك
    فيها الجمال والحكمة والإباء والإيمان
    أختلف معك أخي في التعميم في مثل :

    إِنَّـــــا لَــمِـــنْ أُمَّــــــةٍ أَقْـــصَـــى مَــآرِبِــهَــا
    حَـــــظُّ الـنُّــفُــوسِ وَتَــرْوِيـــجُ الأَقَـــاوِيـــلِ

    عم الفساد ... أبناء قابيل
    مع تفهمي للدافع ويقيني بأنك لا تقصد كل الأمة وأنت أوضح مثال لذلك .

    لك كل الود والتقدير عميدنا الحبيب
    أشكر لك هذا المرور المغدق أيها الحبيب الكريم ، وأقدر لك هذا الرأي الكريم الذي اسأل الله أن يوفقني دوما فأكون عند حسن ظنك.

    أما رأيك في أمر التعميم فأتفهمه وإن خالفتك الرأي فيه ذلك أن الحكم إنما يكون على العموم لا على الإطلاق فلا شيء مطلق في هذا الكون ولكن متى غلب الانشغال بالأقاويل والاشتغال بحظ النفوس وهواها وأثرة مطالبها حال الأمة يصبح التعميم هنا من باب التغليب المؤثر وذلك ما ورد في ذلك البيت الذي أشرت إليه ، وحين يعم الفساد فلا يعني أنه أصاب كل القوم بل عمومهم وأما أننا أبناء قابيل فهذا ما هو معلوم بما ورد في تلك الآية الكريمة مع إدراكي أن ذلك قد لا يوافق التاريخ باحتمال وجود أبناء آخرين على غير شاكلة قابيل ولكن ذلك يوافق واقع الحال مما جبل الله عليه الناس ابتلاء واختبارا وقد أفلح من تزكى واتقى ربه وعمل لما بعد الموت.

    أكرر شكري وامتناني.

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

صفحة 5 من 11 الأولىالأولى 1234567891011 الأخيرةالأخيرة

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. كفٌ و كفٌ
    بواسطة عبد السلام هلالي في المنتدى القِصَّةُ وَالمَسْرَحِيَّةُ
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  2. قراءة في قصيدة "كف وإزميل" للشاعر د. سمير العمري
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