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الموضوع: Rumors!

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2013
    المشاركات : 1,361
    المواضيع : 108
    الردود : 1361
    المعدل اليومي : 0.32

    افتراضي Rumors!


    Every question has an answer
    One, two, thre’, or even four

    N’ secret be ther’ any more
    Rumor’s spreadin’ like cancer

    fire Like in heaps of hay
    Everybody ha’ full desire
    listening desire and thus to say

    An ear to stand to listening
    An’ tongue is always to spare
    Unceasing machine is fire
    Unceasing machine’s destruction:
    Yes-man is match of ignition
    Never objects in howling “Nay”

    People’re rings in long of chain
    An ear is each a tongue to trail
    A tongue is licking tragedy
    Sweeping and in crawling pain

    A head fixed to a tongue always
    A head is trailed to tongue of tail
    Jeopardy Keeps above the clouds
    Getting wetted and soaked the rain

    Put these to sail stuffs in boat
    Being the explorer Sindebad
    A cracking tale in an ocean fake

    Not always sure to try become
    To story addition invent
    Does it a match affects the hell?
    Does it a sand affects a shore?

    Is Rumor war of immorals
    Setting the fire in war of wars
    Has it to score a final goal?
    Assassin’s hands if ugliness
    The scandal heaps an overall
    If snake is art of threatening
    Can be hided inside a heap
    Can the fire the scandal be?

    Of life-discarded rumors be
    To streets be thrown off regarded

    Ears and tongues of sort negate
    Rumor is bulk of bomb neutron

    Remark: Sindebad =Sinbad
    in order to cohere the meter

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية عبد الغفور مغوار أديب
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2013
    الدولة : المغرب
    المشاركات : 126
    المواضيع : 27
    الردود : 126
    المعدل اليومي : 0.03


    Is Rumor war of immoral's
    Setting the fire in war of wars
    ?Has it to score a final goal
    Assassin’s hands if ugliness
    The scandal heaps an overall
    If snake is art of threatening
    Can be hided inside a heap
    ?Can the fire the scandal be

    I read and enjoyed
    Already the rumor every bit as devastating
    sincere affection and friendship

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2013
    المشاركات : 1,361
    المواضيع : 108
    الردود : 1361
    المعدل اليومي : 0.32


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عبد الغفور مغوار مشاهدة المشاركة
    Is Rumor war of immoral's
    Setting the fire in war of wars
    ?Has it to score a final goal
    Assassin’s hands if ugliness
    The scandal heaps an overall
    If snake is art of threatening
    Can be hided inside a heap
    ?Can the fire the scandal be

    I read and enjoyed
    Already the rumor every bit as devastating
    sincere affection and friendship

    Dear brother Abdulghafour:


    I’m sincerely touched by the warm feelings you bide me. An Estimation which I’ll always hold in the deep heart!

    All best regards!
