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النتائج 1 إلى 7 من 7

الموضوع: The Beauty of the Beard

  1. #1
    عضو غير مفعل
    تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2002
    الدولة : (بيتنا بطحاء مكه)
    المشاركات : 1,808
    المواضيع : 128
    الردود : 1808
    المعدل اليومي : 0.23

    Thumbs up The Beauty of the Beard

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

    my brother wrote this and i would like to sure it with the

    nonarabic speaking that might come here نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي


    Glorified be He who beautifies women with long locks of hair
    And Men with long beards
    There is beauty in the beard
    Aye, there is beauty in the beard!
    When the lion roars all the animals submit
    For the lion is the king of the jungle
    The lion with its glorious mane
    And a Muslim man grows his mane in pride
    Showing the rest of humanity that he is to be respected
    Can one imagine a lion without its mane?
    Nay, thou canst not!
    Then imagine a man without his beard

    Woe to worldly women who mock the beards so!
    Desiring husbands with clean shaven faces
    Woe to women who mock the Prophets Sunnah
    In the name of hygiene, neatness and smooth texture
    Indeed the women of this world cannot like the beard
    But she who wants Paradise adores the beard!

    A beard is a gift given to man
    Something only he can grow; a woman never can!
    When he ponders, he gently strokes it;
    When he eats, it stores food;
    When he is with kids, they play with it adoringly;
    When he is with his wife, she fondles it lovingly;
    When the enemy see it, fear is struck in their hearts!
    Ah! there is indeed beauty in the beard!

    All the Prophets had beards - yes they did!
    Muhammad (pbuh) had a beard - so big! so big!
    All the companions had beards - o yes! o yes!
    All the sages had beards - I know! I know!
    All the wise have beards - tis true! tis true!
    All the pious have beards - you see! you see!
    All the Muslims have beards!? - if only! if only!

    Who did not have beards? The kafirun!
    Who had clean shaven faces? The kafirun!
    Who grew their moustaches? The kafirun!
    "And what did our Prophet order?" I here you ask
    He ordered us to lengthen the beard and trim the moustache!
    Lengthen the beard and trim the moustache!
    What greater reason that this can there be
    The fact that our Prophet told us to see
    That we make ourselves appear to the world
    As full bearded men with honour untold

    O Muslim brother! Why do you desire to look like a woman
    When your blessed facial hair is the differece between you and the
    opposite gender?
    O poor Muslim brother! Why do you imitate the kafir
    Instead of following the Prophet of Islam?
    O silly Muslim sister! Why are you so blind?
    Infatuated with Bollywood actors who have no mind!
    O wretched sister! Are you not scared of your choice?

    So indeed I love my beard
    And adore the curls and tangles
    Which no oil, gel or superglue can ever straighten
    My glorious long, curly, messy, fluffy beard!
    The playhouse for kids;
    The envy of Malaysian people
    And the beloved of Allah!

    I maybe rejected by worldly women because of this hair on my face
    But who care! For my Mum loves it and she puts all such sisters to
    Be patient Muslim brothers, who shun the trendy look for a Prophetic
    Paradise with the wide eyed Houris is our final abode!!!!!"


    Al_3oroht Alwithqa

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2004
    الدولة : العراق
    العمر : 55
    المشاركات : 261
    المواضيع : 54
    الردود : 261
    المعدل اليومي : 0.04


    شكرا لك اختنا الكريمه العنود الهاشمي

    على ههذه المشاركه الرائعه

    لاحرمنا الله منك

    تحياتي لك

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    قلم نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل : Nov 2005
    الدولة : هنا .. تماماً !!
    المشاركات : 603
    المواضيع : 45
    الردود : 603
    المعدل اليومي : 0.09


    Dear Naeema ,

    Let me congratulate you brother first ,

    but u wanna (hits) who is shaving , there is ..there is , hehehehe

    All religions people have a bear , even Jewish .

    that's meen it's the original ( Fettra ) , but you know what , there is two woderfull weapon we are facing,

    First is the Multimedia
    Second is Goverment ( El Hekoma )

    Thanks for this gasida , and say thank you for your brother.

    Ahmad Fouad
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  6. #6
    الصورة الرمزية سحر الليالي أديبة
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2005
    الدولة : الحبيبة كــويت
    العمر : 38
    المشاركات : 10,147
    المواضيع : 309
    الردود : 10147
    المعدل اليومي : 1.46


    Dear sister Naeema

    It is beutiful pome

    thank you for sharing as this wonderful words

    with all my respectand thank

  7. #7

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. طلب ترجمة أنشودة ~ your beauty ~~
    بواسطة أدهم الأغبري في المنتدى الشِّعْرُ الأَجنَبِيُّ وَالمُتَرْجَمُ
    مشاركات: 3
    آخر مشاركة: 17-08-2008, 02:44 PM
  2. من وحي أنشودة Your Beauty
    بواسطة شاكر دمَّاج في المنتدى الشِّعْرُ الأَجنَبِيُّ وَالمُتَرْجَمُ
    مشاركات: 1
    آخر مشاركة: 06-08-2008, 12:58 AM